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Hello Everyone

Another year has gone and this time of year finds many battling trials that can seem impossible and challenging. God tells us in His word that with Him everything is possible (Matthew 19:26).

Depression and anxiety is not uncommon in general, and in this season, whether it is the winter storm, less sunlight, financial issues, relationship issues etc.; it can be even more of a battle. I am writing this today to encourage you that our God is BIGGER than any circumstance that we face. He cares about our needs and tells us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

I know how hard grief is having lost many, and unfortunately during this time of year we see many losses. I want you to know that I am so sorry if you are suffering a loss and grieving at this time. God set me free from the occult and I know our grief makes us vulnerable and you can get tempted to see a medium or some other sort of psychic. I must strongly caution you to never see a psychic! Please turn to God as He is the one who loves you, and will minister to you in your sadness. Psychic mediums are communicating with demons, not our departed loved ones. The Lord says He is close to the broken hearted and crushed in spirit in Psalm 34:18 and this I hold onto whenever I have grief in my spirit.

Though this is a new year, the best news is that in Christ we are NEW CREATIONS! We are set free and can walk in the victory of Jesus. Please don't let the devil steal your joy that is found in Christ alone. Please hold onto God's promises and eternal life is for us as children of God. Whatever season you are in now, all things here will pass away but we will go on to be in glory!

I am praying for each and everyone of you to be blessed abundantly, I pray for your families and friends, and pets! I pray, too, for the lost and that they would come to saving faith today!

Love- Jenn

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2 commentaires

Dave Farquhar
Dave Farquhar
12 janv. 2023

Jenn: I just read your amazing story of deliverance. Your article is timely given the depressing atmosphere that seems to hang over this time of year. Christ is the light, the way, and the truth. God bless you.

Jenn Ex psychic
Jenn Ex psychic
21 janv. 2023
En réponse à

God bless you too!!!!!


About Me


Jenn was born in Jamaica Queens NY, raised, and grew up in Long Island NY. Jenn is an Ex-Psychic who found amazing grace through Jesus Christ. She is happily married to Jason and has a beautiful daughter; Cara.


Jenn engages her audience regularly on social media where she shares her amazing testimony of her deliverance and freedom from the kingdom of darkness. She holds regular Bible study and prayer sessions online. 


You can reach her on any of her social media handles

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Youtube- Jenn ex psychic,  

Facebook Page- Expsychicsaved,

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